About Us

The Internet is about information sharing, without any boundaries of countries or cultures. When you run into a problems, there is almost certainly someone somewhere who has also had the same problem and some people might have already found the solutions. It can be problems in your relationship. It can be questions you have about health. It can be troubles you encountered with your car. You can find advices or tips on just about doing anything. There are tutorials for dancing, playing musical instruments, how to make money online, etc. There are advices on how to handle a relationship situation. There are tips on how to do just about anything. One can say that the Internet makes life easier.

Gold Duo is about providing useful and interesting information and discussions on various topics in health, lifestyle, society & culture, business, entertainment, politics, to name a few. Most of the information here should be viewed as experience sharing or opinions. Most of the information that is freely available is probably not scientifically verified and might work for some but not be applicable for the others. Just like personal advices, they should be filtered with your own common sense. While experiences from someone else might help you, the situations might not be identical.

Gold Duo accepts article submissions. If you have anything to share, you are welcome to contact us at info@goldduo.com. All articles will be manually reviewed before publishing on Gold Duo. All article submission should be at least 1000 words in length. Only one outbound link is allowed. No badly written, spammy, software spun articles will be accepted.

1 Response to About Us

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