Highest Paying Jobs/Careers That Do Not Require a College Degree

employment, and through on-the-job training learn about the field of your interest, and start your own business later.

Even physicians and lawyers have wide range of income. They can operate their own businesses or work for employers. Real estate, carpentry, plumbing, painting (obviously not requiring a degree) are similar. You can have your own business, work for business owners as an employee or a contractor (which is actually close to owning your own business). Some large companies, i.e., Comcast, AT&T, often hire a lot of contractors.

Even working as an employee, you can make good money. According to

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15 Responses to Highest Paying Jobs/Careers That Do Not Require a College Degree

  1. louque says:

    this was terrible. these are limited yet common options. try picking out options that people have little awareness of, or one would think others have little awareness of. like body sweeping after accidents.
    i’m tired of seeing anything about entrepreneurship and managerial crap.

  2. Andreea says:

    actor/singer could have been included here

    • gold duo says:

      percentage of successful actors/singers must be extremely low. that would make the average income of them not that high?

  3. Brittany says:

    You don’t need a college degree to be a hairstylist or skin care specialist, but you do need training from a beauty school and a license.

  4. Lily says:

    The person who said you don’t need to go to college to become a Registered Nurse is a fucking liar.

  5. Devin H says:

    This article didn’t say anything about “Highest Paying Jobs That Do Not Require A Degree.” Just saying…

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