When out in public, we all presume that suspicious eyes are drilling into us. It is a natural feeling. We try to be on our best behavior so as not to give others a reason to complain or judge us. However, this over-cautious attitude could be debilitating if it compels you to withdraw into a protective shell.
Based on socializing abilities, people are often grouped into two categories – introverts and extroverts. Extroverts, among which some may be referred to as “Social butterflies,” move around in public circles comfortably. They create their comfort zones wherever they go and are looked upon as great companions. Introverts on the other hand are reserved by nature. They don’t feel at ease in social situations. Some appear to be socially awkward.
will you go out with me? ^^
sure thing, boy ^^
I ship it so hard
are you an Socially awkward.
no. I’m not following this advice just because of that mistake.
just no.